Friday, June 22, 2012

DRJ #1 Othello Act I

Initial Reaction
The initial reaction I had is that the Iago is a man seduced by jealousy. This reminded me of a time where in High School.  A girl in my class was spreading rumors of another girl. She was telling lies like; this other girl was going out with multiple guys at the same time. The girl who spread the rumors did this to split the other girl’s boyfriend because she had a thing for him. 

Character Analysis
Iago is the Main antagonist in this story.  His lying causes many of the problems that arise for the characters in the story. His flaw is his jealousy towards Othello because he doesn’t have the power and status Othello has. Iago only can think about tearing Othello’s relationship and destroying his power. Iago is two faced because he very easily transforms into this sinister man with bad intentions to this apparent confidant that would never lie.

Theme Analysis
William Shakespeare uses the character Iago to show how hate can bring down a person’s morals and make them commit the most terrible of tings.  Iago uses his hatred for Othello to fuel him to confuse Othello about what is truly happening. Iago even uses Rodrigo agoainst Othello to separate him from his wife.


  1. Iago is a complex character and I feel like you have provided a good description of him as well as how Shakespeare uses him as "the devils advocate" and really is called the devil many times throughout the play. A quote or example from the text could be helpful to stress your point about Iago's ability to lower others morals. Such as more on Iago's use of Roderigo.

  2. People in high school can definitely be that way as I knew a girl that sounds exactly like what you explained. Why do people do such hurtful things to other especially when the reason is not great? Iagos hatred for othello is almost like its part of his personality to be that way to others. I hope I do not meet anyone like Iago.

  3. That's a good comparison of Iago to the girl you had in class. He's ultimately just jealous of something in Othello and/or Cassio's lives, and he does everything in his power to destroy their happiness. It's like he's miserable, so he's trying to bring those around him down as well.
    I like Iago's hate. That's a really good thing to point out I think. Especially in convolusion (sp?) to his actions. Iago hates Othello, for whatever interpreted reason, and he uses OTHER peoples' fears and hatreds to play them for fools in his own little plots. He takes their weaknesses and exploits them just to get what he wants. It's pretty despicable.

  4. I agree with everyone else's comments, I really like your comparison of Iago's character to someone we could encounter daily; it made his character more believable. I also agree that jealousy is the main root of Iago's evil plans, if he was chosen to be Othello's lieutenant then he wouldn't be jealous of either Othello or Cassio. Your analysis of Iago is the same as mine, I knew from that beginning that he is going to be one of the main antagonists of the play.
